This last weekend was Sing Song at ACU, so I drove in with the family to watch Candice perform as a Siggie Piggie!
Their set was amazing, they looked so good :). I yelled my little Siggie heart out for them!
Can you spot Candice??
She was also in the Senior act as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles :).
Tyler performed as a Power Ranger in Frats, he's the tall red one on the back row :).
A shot of all the clubs after the they ran out into Moody Auditorium during the final number, screaming & yelling of course :).
All the Siggies together in Moody, they placed 2nd but I couldn't be prouder they were adorable!

Love seeing all the family :). All the Siggies in the family on the left (Aunt Lisa, me, Hannah a sophomore, & Candice a Senior), & the Kojies on the right (Mom, & Shayli a senior).
I can't believe this was Candice's senior year, crazy! I was just up on that stage as a bowling pin, right?? Well, I won't have a reason to come back for Sing Song for a while but I love all the memories, & I'll always root for Siggies whether I'm there or not!
- Cassie
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